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Why Wellness Paragon?

We started Wellness Paragon (formerly Body Language) in 2012 because we knew that the way we measured health and well-being didn't tell the whole story. There was no measuring stick or indicator that could accurately provide an individual with insight into their own overall state of health and well-being.


Our bodies communicate health and well-being in a language that most of us don't grow up speaking. The language is vast and includes more than weight, BMI, PHQ/GAD scores, or healthcare dollars spent and saved. These symptoms or factors that we measure are just single words of this language that can't possibly tell a whole story without context or full sentences. In order to create context and full sentences, we knew that we must look at health as a system rather than individual parts.


With over a decade of research and rigorous testing, we created a reliable measure and indicator of health and well-being. We created a tool that measures the many factors that influence health and well-being, but most importantly, how an individual interprets, processes, and manages these factors.


Considering the individual as the epicenter of health and well-being is the missing component to successfully measuring, interpreting, and predicting health and well-being.

We believe that with the right approach, every individual can be positioned to achieve their own optimal health and well-being!

The Assessment

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Dimensions -  The assessment measures and is comprised of 13 evidence-based dimensions that are scientifically proven to impact health and well-being outcomes.


Person-Centered - Our proprietary algorithm ensures that each individual score accurately measures health and well-being as it pertains to the individual, not one-size-fits-all guidelines and statistics


Systemic Approach - The results of this assessment take into account the impact of each dimension and the role an individual's strengths and weaknesses play in changing behavior and improving health and well-being


Reliable and Valid - Through rigorous testing and research, our assessment is short (less than a 4-minute completion time) while maintaining a high validity and reliable retest rate.


Continuity - The assessment is utilized to be retaken every month, allowing individuals to track their progress over time and make necessary adjustments to their behaviors, thoughts, and lifestyles. This retest component further enhances the reliability and validity of the assessment by allowing individuals to see the impact of their actions on their health and well-being outcomes.

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